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    Frequently Asked Questions

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    All information on how to use the Rootie platform.

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Check Our FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions.

Cannot find what you’re looking for? We’re here to help. Reach out to us via email at – we’ll get right back to you!
Yes – while EU regulations state that a separate login is required for supplier and buyer accounts, we’ve made it easy for members to set this up in minutes.
Members can currently use Rootie to its full capacity completely free of charge. As we evolve in scaling our systems and technologies, we plan on introducing a tier-based pricing model catered individually to the volume and needs of each company.
All offers are easily accessible within the marketplace. Simply search for a product or browse freely to see available offers based on your selected criteria.
No – while our technologies do a lot to ease the burdens associated with making a wholesale purchase, we allow for transactions to be conducted outside our scope of involvement at this stage. However, it is a feature you can expect to see in the future, as we continue to develop new solutions.