LOCO Trnava, s.r.o., with registered office at Bezručova 1472/16, 940 02 Trnava, Company ID: 51 794 713, Tax ID: 2120791332, VAT ID: SK2120791332, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Nitra, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 45971/N, (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”), which operates the website, Operator of the digital application Rootie (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”), available as software for end-user devices, and Operator of related maintenance and support services for the Platform, hereby issues these General Terms and Conditions for Sellers (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller Terms and Conditions”).

Article I
Definition of Basic Terms and Introductory Provisions

These Terms and Conditions for Registered Users – Sellers regulate the legal relationship between the Operator and the Seller, based on which the Operator grants the Registered User – Seller the authorization to use the Platform and Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), all within the scope and conditions specified in the Agreement and these Seller Terms and Conditions. These Seller Terms and Conditions are published and available in electronic form.

These Seller Terms and Conditions establish the conditions and rules for using the Rootie platform – a digital technology designed for easy and modern electronic purchase and sale of products, facilitating the process of buying and selling products between Registered Users – Sellers and Buyers.

Unless otherwise stated in these Seller Terms and Conditions, all terms defined in this article of the Seller Terms and Conditions are used in the same meaning in all documents governing the legal relationship between LOCO Trnava, s.r.o., and users of its services:

The Operator refers to LOCO Trnava, with registered office at Bezručova 1472/16, 940 02 Trnava, Company ID: 51 794 713, Tax ID: 2120791332, VAT ID: SK2120791332, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Nitra, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 45971/N, and acts as an intermediary for the sale of Products by Sellers to Buyers through the digital platform.

The Platform refers to the Rootie platform, as an information society service, provided through a comprehensive software solution for computers, tablets, and mobile phones. The Platform is made accessible to users via the public internet network.

A Registered User exclusively refers to a business entity who, through an authorized person fully capable of legal acts, voluntarily completed the registration process within the digital platform and utilizes the application services provided by the Operator, with an interest in selling or buying Products through the platform.

An entrepreneur, as defined by the Commercial Code, refers to a person registered in the commercial register or a person conducting business based on a trade license or a person conducting business based on a different authorization according to specific regulations, or a person engaged in agricultural production and registered in the register according to specific regulations. It refers to a person who conducts systematic activities in their own name, at their own responsibility, and primarily for the purpose of making a profit. An entrepreneur, when acting within their business activities, employment, or profession, does not have the status of a consumer, and consumer protection regulations do not apply to them.

A Seller refers to a Registered User who, through the platform, publishes offers for their Products and has an interest in selling them, and concludes purchase agreements with Buyers through the platform, where the subject matter is the sale of Products. In addition to these Seller Terms and Conditions, the terms of use for Sellers specified in the Rootie Terms of Use also apply to the legal relationship between the Operator and the Seller.

A Buyer refers to a Registered User who, through the platform, searches for offers of Products and has an interest in purchasing them, and enters into purchase agreements with Sellers through the platform, where the subject matter is the purchase of Products. In addition to these Buyer Terms and Conditions, the terms of use for Buyers specified in the Rootie Terms of Use also apply to the legal relationship between the Operator and the Buyer.

Products primarily refer to commodities of the food industry and food additives, as well as other goods sold by the Sellers. The Products are loaded into the platform system based on the information provided by the Sellers in the registration form or in the Seller’s profile, which the Seller updates periodically.

Registration involves filling out an electronic form that includes fields for user information, including some personal data. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, and their completion is necessary for successful registration and utilization of the service.

The service refers to the provision of access to the digital platform by the Operator, through which there is digital interaction between Registered Users, namely Sellers and Buyers. It facilitates the process of transactions between these participants, provides related maintenance services, and supports the platform itself.

The services provided by the Operator through the platform include:
– Displaying offers of Products and information about the offers of Sellers who utilize the platform software as a service.
– Searching and filtering Products, Seller offers, and Buyer inquiries.
– Displaying information about Sellers and Buyers.
– Providing the option for Buyers to create binding electronic orders for Products from Sellers.
– Facilitating communication between Registered Users, namely Sellers and Buyers.
– In the event of an order being placed by a Buyer with a Seller, providing information about the order fulfillment status, including sending notification SMS, emails, or digital messages within the platform.
– Creating ratings for Sellers and Buyers based on their reliability, order processing speed, product quality, payment discipline, and other relevant factors.
– Assisting and providing guidance in using the platform.

The offer refers to the offer of Products made by Sellers through the platform. The offer is not a proposal for the conclusion of a Purchase Agreement.

Order refers to the proposal made by the Buyer to conclude a purchase agreement with the Seller, carried out through the platform in the manner and under the conditions specified in these Terms.

Purchase Agreement refers to the agreement concluded between the Seller and the Buyer, whereby the Seller undertakes to deliver the ordered Products to the designated location under the agreed conditions, and the Buyer undertakes to accept the Products and pay the Seller the agreed purchase price and shipping cost

User Account refers to the account of a Registered User established and active after the user’s registration.

Contracting Parties is the collective term for the Seller and the Buyer.

Article II
Basic Terms of Use

1. The Operator provides the platform and other related Services on the website, which enable the Seller to publish offers of Products they wish to sell to Buyers, communicate and share necessary information with Buyers, and conclude purchase agreements with Buyers in accordance with these Terms for Sellers.

2. The Operator facilitates contact between Registered Users – Sellers and Buyers through the platform. However, the Operator does not assume responsibility for the content of published offers, the content of inquiries sent, the content of concluded purchase agreements, the quality, origin, delivery, receipt of Products, the payment of the agreed purchase price for the Products, compliance with the agreed conditions between Sellers and Buyers, or the actual course of the transaction or usability of the offered Products.

3. The Operator reserves the right to make necessary changes to the offer of Products, disallow offers, or remove offers that are in violation of these Terms for Sellers, applicable laws of the Slovak Republic, or good morals.

4. By using the platform’s services, the Seller expresses their voluntary agreement to these Terms for Sellers.

5. The Seller agrees to receive emails to the mailbox provided during registration. The sender of the emails is the Operator, and they may have an informational nature related to the platform’s services.

Article III
Agreement and Grant of License

1. By entering into the Agreement, the Operator undertakes to provide the Registered User – Seller with the use of the platform and Services to the extent and under the conditions specified in these Terms.

2. The Registered User – Seller acknowledges that the platform and certain Services or their components are protected as copyrighted works by the Copyright Act and other laws and international agreements relating to the protection of intellectual property. The Operator is the rights holder of these copyrighted works or their parts based on contractual relationships between the Operator and the authors.

3. By entering into the Agreement, the Operator grants the Registered User – Seller a license to use the platform, Services, or their parts that meet the characteristics of a copyrighted work (hereinafter referred to as “Copyrighted Work” and “License”), all within the scope and under the conditions specified in the user interface of the platform, the Agreement, and these Terms for Sellers.

4. The Registered User – Seller is authorized to use the Copyrighted Work in the form made available to them to the extent and in such a manner of use as necessary to achieve the purpose of the Agreement. The License is agreed upon as non-exclusive, territorially unrestricted, and for the duration of the Agreement, but for no longer than the duration of the authors’ property rights.

5. The Registered User – Seller is not authorized to reproduce, distribute, lease, lend, or provide access to the Copyrighted Work to third parties without the prior written consent of the Operator.

6. Without this consent, the Registered User – Seller is also not authorized to exercise the moral rights of the authors, especially with regard to any modifications or other interventions in the Copyrighted Work, its combination with another work, or its inclusion in a collective work.

7. By entering into the Agreement, the Operator also undertakes to facilitate the sale of Products by Sellers to Buyers through the platform, within the scope and under the conditions specified in the user interface of the platform, the Agreement, and these Terms for Sellers.

8. The Agreement is concluded by the registration of the user – Seller in the registration interface of the platform (Article IV of these Terms for Sellers).

9. By completing the registration, the Registered User – Seller declares that they have familiarized themselves with these Terms and expressly agree to them.

10. The Agreement will be archived in electronic form and will not be directly accessible to the Registered User – Seller. The Registered User – Seller agrees to the conclusion of the Agreement using remote communication means.

11. The use of the platform and services is agreed upon between the Operator and the Registered User – Seller as free of charge.

12. The Agreement is concluded for a definite period from the date of its conclusion by the registration of the Registered User – Seller until the deactivation/termination of the User Account of the Registered User – Seller. This does not affect the right of the Contracting Parties to terminate the Agreement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Commercial Code.

13. Termination of the contractual relationship is possible by both contracting parties, even without stating a reason.

14. In the event of termination of the contractual relationship initiated by the Registered User – Seller, the Registered User – Seller is obliged to deliver a written notice of termination to the Operator (in electronic form or by mail).

15. Upon receipt of the termination notice by the Operator, the Operator is obliged to cancel/deactivate the User Account of the Registered User – Seller within 3 days from the date of receipt of the notice from the Registered User – Seller. After the termination of the agreement, the Registered User – Seller has no right to retain the information stored on the platform during the term of the contractual relationship.

16. In the event of termination of the contractual relationship initiated by the Operator, the Operator is obliged to deliver a written notice of termination to the Registered User – Seller (in electronic form or by mail).

17. Upon receipt of the termination notice by the Registered User – Seller, the Operator is obliged to cancel/deactivate the User Account of the Registered User – Seller within 3 days from the date of receipt of the notice from the Operator. After the termination of the agreement by the Operator, the Registered User – Seller has no right to retain the information stored on the platform during the term of the contractual relationship.

Article IV
Registration and verification of the Seller, profile of the Seller

1. Registration is a requirement for using the platform and related services.

2. Registration of the user – Seller is the decision of the Seller to register on the platform by filling in all the necessary information (business name including legal form, registered address, identification number, tax identification number, VAT identification number if assigned, name and surname of the responsible person, email, phone number, and password) to create a registered profile on the platform (hereinafter referred to as “User Account of the Registered User”).

3. By registering as a user – Seller, the Seller expresses their consent to use the services through the platform.

4. There is no legal entitlement to registration and entering into an agreement according to the preceding article of these Terms and Conditions for Sellers. The Operator is entitled to refuse the registration of the Seller without stating a reason.

5. Through registration, the Registered User – Seller gains access, through their profile, to contacts of Buyers, received inquiries from Buyers, communication with Buyers, orders created by Buyers, created contractual documentation, etc.

6. Registration can be completed by filling out the registration form available on the platform, where the Seller selects their role as “Seller” in the “Registration” field.

7. The Seller acknowledges that by registering as a “Seller,” they are not allowed to use the functionalities of the platform that are accessible to users in the “Buyer” role. This means that the Seller is not authorized to search for and respond to offers from other Sellers for the sale of their products or place orders for these products. For this purpose, the Seller is required to register as a “Buyer.”

8. To ensure the proper functioning of the User Account of the Registered User – Seller on the platform, it is necessary to fill in the user’s information in the “Profile” section, including the business name including the legal form, registered address, identification number, tax identification number, VAT identification number if assigned, name and surname of the responsible person, email, phone number, and password.

9. The Registered User – Seller declares that they voluntarily provide the aforementioned information to the Operator, and these details are true and accurate.

10. By registering on the platform, the Registered User – Seller gives consent to the Operator to disclose their contact and identification information (company name and address, among others) in their product listings.

11. In the event of discovering false information, the Operator reserves the right to immediately cancel the User Account of the Registered User – Seller or restrict the use of platform services by the Registered User – Seller.

12. By filling out and confirming the above-mentioned information and subsequently receiving a confirmation of successful registration through a verification SMS message or email, the user becomes a Registered User – Seller.

13. The User – Seller is required to submit valid business permits to the Operator for successful registration by uploading them to the Application upon request by the Operator.

14. If the Seller is unable to provide the required permit to the Operator as stated in the previous point of these Terms, the Operator will not approve the registration of the User – Seller.

15. The Operator is entitled to request valid permits at any time during the entire duration of the contractual relationship between the Operator and the Registered User – Seller.

16. If the Registered User – Seller fails to demonstrate valid permits upon the Operator’s request, the Operator is authorized to cancel their registration on the platform or restrict the provision of services through the platform.

17. The Registered User – Seller is obliged to promptly update the provided information in case of any changes during the registration process.

18. The Registered User – Seller acknowledges that all the information provided during registration is used for their identification, promotion, advertising and publishing of their Products, sending registration SMS messages or emails, including password reset notifications, receiving offers from the Operator, as well as receiving other notification SMS messages and emails through the platform.

19. By registering, the Registered User – Seller gives consent to the inclusion of their data in the Operator’s database.

20. In order to create a secure trading environment on the platform, the Operator conducts verification and screening of the Registered User – Seller as a condition for successful registration. Based on the results of such verification and screening, the Operator reserves the right to deny the use of its services through the platform and cancel the user’s registration in case of unfavorable assessed factors.

21. Upon successful completion of the registration process, the Registered User – Seller will have a user account protected by a unique username and password. The Registered User – Seller is responsible for safeguarding their login credentials and must not disclose them to third parties.

22. The Registered User – Seller acknowledges that the Operator is not liable for any damages and/or negative consequences arising or that may arise in connection with the loss or forgetting of the login credentials of the Registered User – Seller or the misuse of these credentials by a third party.

23. The Registered User – Seller agrees to immediately contact the Operator upon discovering any unauthorized use of their user account and personal information.

24. Registration and use of the platform are voluntary, and the Registered User – Seller has the right to cancel their registration at any time or refrain from using the platform’s services.

25. The Registered User – Seller acknowledges and agrees that they may have only one user account or profile on the platform. In the event that multiple accounts or profiles belonging to the Registered User – Seller are discovered, the other accounts or profiles may be deleted by the Operator without prior notice.

26. The Registered User – Seller has unlimited access to their user account and the information contained therein, unless they cancel their registration by sending an email or using the online platform.

27. The Operator reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately and without any compensation, terminate the Registered User – Seller’s access to the platform and services if the Seller violates laws, good morals, or principles of fair trade while using the platform and services , or if there is a suspicion of such violation of these terms. The decision to terminate access is solely at the discretion of the Operator, without any obligation to notify or justify it to the Registered User – Seller.

Article V
Product Listings, Buyer Orders, Conclusion of the Sales Agreement

1. The Operator publishes the Seller’s Products through the platform, making them visible to Buyers, who can search for desired offers and place binding orders for the Seller’s offered Products.

2. The Seller is fully responsible for the content of their own published Product listings, including text and any accompanying photographs. When adding a listing, the Seller is obliged to ensure that its content complies with the legislative norms of the Slovak Republic, particularly by:
a) Offering only Products whose sale is permitted in the Slovak Republic, and acquiring them in accordance with the laws of the Slovak Republic, with the Seller having all the necessary rights to sell them.
b) Modifying the content of their own listing in a way that does not infringe upon the rights of others or in any way disparages their reputation.
c) Not providing false, unsubstantiated, incomplete, inaccurate, ambiguous, or misleading information about the Products, and not withholding information about the characteristics of the Products or delivery conditions.
d) Not publishing the same Product listing multiple times, unless the original listing for the Product is still valid.
e) Always publishing a listing for a specific Product and not promoting their entire business activity as a whole.

3. For each Product listing, the Seller is required to provide at least the following information:
a) The name of the Product.
b) The specifications of the Product (such as manufacturer details, features, and technical parameters).
c) The price of the Product (excluding shipping costs, unless otherwise stated in the listing).
d) The available quantity of the Product.
e) The applicable INCOTERMS rules.

4. The Product listings published by Sellers may undergo verification by the Operator to ensure compliance with these Terms and Conditions for Sellers.

5. The Operator reserves the right to remove a Product listing that violates the laws of the Slovak Republic, good morals, principles of fair trade, or is otherwise deemed unsuitable for publication.
The Operator is entitled to delete a Seller’s listing if there is suspicion that the Seller is not the owner of the advertised Product and, despite the Seller’s request, fails to demonstrate ownership or any other relationship to the listed Product.

6. The Seller acknowledges that the platform solely facilitates the creation of orders by Buyers, their digital transmission to the Seller, subsequent processing of the order by the Seller, generation of contractual documentation, and the conclusion of a sales agreement. Based on this agreement, the Seller subsequently delivers the ordered Products to the Buyer (outside the platform) under the conditions agreed upon between the contracting parties, and the Buyer pays the agreed purchase price to the Seller for the delivered Products.

7. Payment for the ordered Products is made directly to the Seller, according to the agreed terms and payment conditions between the Seller and the Buyer. The platform does not facilitate any payment transactions between the Buyer and the Operator or between the Buyer and the Seller.

8. The Operator acts as an intermediary in this process between the selling party (Seller) and the buying party (Buyer). Through the establishment of technological infrastructure and communication means, the Operator facilitates the Seller’s ability to offer Products for sale and enables Buyers to place orders for these Products. Furthermore, the Operator enables mutual agreement between the parties regarding the conditions of the sales agreement, delivery terms, and other conditions, as well as the creation of contractual documentation. The Operator does not act as a seller or distributor of the Products advertised for sale on the platform.

9. An order for a Product is considered a proposal for the conclusion of a purchase agreement for the selected Product, which is entered into between the Buyer and the Seller through the platform.

10. By submitting an online order by the Buyer and accepting this online order by the Seller, a purchase agreement is formed between the Buyer and the Seller, governed by the provisions of Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended.

11. The Seller and the Buyer, who have entered into a purchase agreement through the platform, bear all responsibility for the proper fulfillment of the purchase agreement, as well as for any potential warranty claims and the fulfillment of such claims.

12. The Seller acknowledges that the Buyer does not enter into any financial relationships with the Operator, and the Operator is not the entity to which the Buyer can assert claims for payment of the agreed purchase price of the Products or any other claims against the Buyer.

13. The Seller acknowledges that in the event the Buyer places an order for products with the Seller through the platform, the Operator does not enter into a legal relationship between the Seller and the Buyer.

14. Payment for the Products ordered by the Buyer is made directly to the selected Seller, in the manner and within the payment terms agreed upon between the Seller and the Buyer. There is no payment transaction taking place through the platform between the Buyer and the Operator, or between the Buyer and the Seller.

15. The Seller monitors the orders created by the Buyers through the platform in their profile under the section “Received Orders.”

16. The Operator undertakes to promptly deliver the orders of the Buyers to the Seller upon their creation.

17. The Seller acknowledges that the Buyer’s order may, in some cases, contain personal data of the Buyer. The transfer of such personal data is carried out in accordance with the security measures and in compliance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

18. The Seller undertakes to process the personal data of the Buyers mentioned in the preceding point of this article in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC. The personal identification number of the Registered User will not be disclosed in any way.

19. The conditions for canceling an already placed order or for terminating a concluded purchase agreement are disclosed by the Seller on their profile. The Operator does not in any way intervene in the aforementioned relationships between the Buyers and Sellers.

20. The Seller acknowledges that the Operator is authorized to collect data and statistically analyze information about ordered Products and utilize them for their marketing activities.

Article VI
Evaluation of the Seller

1. The Seller shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:
a) Responsiveness to customer orders,
b) Quality of communication with customers,
c) Number of unjustifiably rejected orders,
d) Number of fulfilled orders.

2. The Buyer may evaluate the Seller based on the following criteria:
a) Responsiveness to the Buyer’s order,
b) Quality of communication with the Buyer,
c) Number of unjustifiably rejected orders,
d) Number of fulfilled orders,
e) Reliability of the Seller,
f) Adherence to agreed contractual conditions,
g) Quality of delivered Products,
h) Whether the description of the Products on the platform by the Seller corresponds to reality.

3. The Seller acknowledges that the evaluation results of the parameters according to points 1 and 2 of this article of the Terms and Conditions for Sellers are displayed on the platform for Buyers’ reference, aiming to assist them in selecting the most suitable Seller.

Article VII
Responsibility of the Operator and the Seller

1. The Seller acknowledges that they use the platform and Services exclusively at their own risk. The Seller is fully responsible for all actions carried out on the platform.

2. The Seller is solely responsible for fulfilling the legal obligations arising from the sale of Products through the platform, especially regarding obtaining a business license, maintaining accounting records, declaring and paying applicable taxes and contributions, advertising, and others.

3. The Seller is not authorized to use the platform or Services in a way that could cause harm to the Operator or other individuals, violate their rights, or restrict the ability of other individuals to use the platform and Services in any other manner not clearly intended by the platform.

4. The Seller is obliged to promptly inform the Operator of any suspicion of third-party misuse of their data.

5. The Operator is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of the Order to the Seller in accordance with these Terms for Sellers.

6. The Operator is authorized to temporarily interrupt the operation of the server or other Operator’s devices that affect the functionality of the platform or Services, particularly for maintenance or modification purposes, for the necessary duration.

7. The Operator is not responsible for the content of offers published by Sellers or inquiries and orders sent by Buyers, for content evaluated and published on the platform by entities other than the Operator, or for any obligations between Sellers and Buyers arising from the purchase and sale of Products.

8. The Operator shall not be liable for any potential damages directly, indirectly, or incidentally incurred by the Seller or third parties as a result of or in connection with the use of the platform and the utilization of the Operator’s services.

9. The Operator is also not liable for any damages incurred by the Seller or third parties due to the inability to use the platform or Services, or directly or indirectly related to this fact.

10. The Operator shall not be responsible in the following cases:
a) as a result of the Seller’s inappropriate use (such as unprofessional interference with the system and software equipment and environment, creation, uploading, or linking of inappropriate content, etc.);
b) incompatibility or problematic functionality of the platform, Services, or their parts with computer programs and hardware that are not compatible with the platform or not recommended by the Operator;
c) improper use of the platform, Services, or malfunctioning Internet connection on the part of the Seller;
d) insufficient security of the Seller’s account, attacks on their local network or computer by computer viruses (spyware, malware, etc.), hacker attacks, or similar external attacks;
e) provision of incorrect or ambiguous data by the Seller;
f) malfunction of the technical equipment, operating system, or network of the Seller, or programs from other manufacturers running simultaneously with the platform or affecting its proper functioning;

g) force majeure events, such as a state of war, changes in legal regulations significantly impeding the fulfillment of the Agreement for the Operator, natural disasters, or extraordinary unforeseen and insurmountable obstacles beyond the control of the Operator.

11. The Operator is not responsible for:
a) the quality and extent of services provided to the Buyer,
b) the delivery of services provided by the Seller,
c) the fulfillment of rights and obligations of the Buyer arising from their Order,
d) the accuracy and completeness of information on the availability and prices of Products provided by the Seller.

Article VIII
Special Provisions regarding the Use of the Application and Services of the Operator

1. It is prohibited to use the platform and services of the Operator in a manner that violates these Terms for Sellers (or their essence), or any other relevant laws and directives (including those related to the use of public communication networks).

2. The Seller must not use the platform and services of the Operator in a way that could damage, disable, overload, or impair the function of servers operated by the Operator or its partners, disrupt the use of these servers or services of the Operator by others individuals, or devalue the platform or services provided by the Operator.

3. The Seller is not authorized to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information related to the platform and services of the Operator that have not been (or were not) publicly accessible or provided by the Operator.

4. It is strictly prohibited, in particular, to engage in data scraping, data mining, bots, or similar tools for the purpose of gathering and extracting substantial portions of the Operator’s website and platform data for reuse, whether in a single instance or repeatedly.

5. Unauthorized access to any part of the Operator’s website and platform, other users’ accounts, or other computer systems connected to this website and platform is prohibited. This includes unauthorized entry into the database through hacking, password discovery, or any other means.

6. Gathering or attempting to gather personal information about other individuals through the Operator’s website and platform is prohibited.

Article IX
Personal data and their protection

1. The Operator is responsible for the protection of personal data of Registered Users with whom they come into contact while using the platform and utilizing the Services, and is obliged to act in accordance with the Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

2. The Operator declares that, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legislation, it implements all necessary security, technical, and organizational measures to protect the personal data of Registered Users.

3. For more detailed information about personal data, its processing, and protection, please refer to the section on PRIVACY POLICY.

Article X
General and Final Provisions

1. The contractual relationship between the Operator and the Registered User – Seller, not further regulated in these Terms and Conditions for Sellers, shall be governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic, in particular by Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, Act No. 40/1964 Coll. (Civil Code) as amended, Copyright Act, as well as the GDPR Regulation, Personal Data Protection Act, Act on Certain Information Society Services.

2. In the event that any provision of these Terms and Conditions for Sellers is or becomes invalid, ineffective, or unenforceable, the provision that best approximates the meaning of the invalid provision shall apply instead. The validity, effectiveness, and enforceability of the remaining provisions or the Terms and Conditions for Sellers as a whole shall not be affected.

3. The Operator reserves the right to change the terms and scope of the services provided through the platform at any time at its own discretion. The change is valid, effective, and binding for the Registered User – Seller from the date of its publication on the website or within the platform. The Registered User – Seller is obliged to regularly acquaint themselves with the changes in the Terms and Conditions for Sellers. If the Registered User – Seller continues to use the services after the changes to these Terms and Conditions for Sellers have been made by the Operator, it shall be deemed that they unreservedly agree to the changes.

4. These Terms and Conditions for Sellers become valid and effective as of June 22, 2023.